I’m Back (again)

After a years-long hiatus I have returned to the blog. A lot has happened that I won’t bore you with – at least not today. I’ve had an ICU stay, more hospital stays and visits, a move, more tried treatments than I can list (some of which worked, some of which didn’t), and a new diagnosis or two. Through it all I have needed time to process everything and learn a LOT of lessons. Some of these lessons I’m still in the process of absorbing but I feel like I’ve reached the point where I’m ready to talk it out.

I want to share what I’ve learned and am learning with you, dear reader. Above all I hope and pray that my experiences with chronic pain and illness can be beneficial to someone. Even though I live in a world that involves suffering, I hope the experiences I endure will produce in me an increased sense of compassion, love, empathy, and hope. I often struggle with confusion about my purpose in this life but just because I don’t understand it fully at this time doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I feel that if I can share my lessons and increase awareness and understanding of chronic pain and illness then perhaps I will have made a difference.

I recently reached out to friends and asked what they would like to understand about me and the chronic world I live in. I’m excited to dive into some of those topics with you and hope that we can all gain a little knowledge and expand our empathy for each other.

Is there anything you would like to know about me or chronic pain/illness in general?

2 thoughts on “I’m Back (again)

  1. I enjoyed your post, Your kindness and desire to want to help others dealing with chronic pain is amazing. I have lived with MS for 18 years now and my pain has been increasing drastically for the past 12 years. It isn’t easy to live with pain every minute of every day, but somehow we get through. I am looking forward to reading more of what you share. I hope if you have time you will check out my site. I do the best I can to spread positivity while keeping everything honest and real. I hope you enjoyed your weekend! Take care!

  2. Jen says:

    Thank you for sharing your life! You make a huge contribution!!

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