Sometimes, I Struggle

Today, I am not eloquent or articulate. Because today is one of those days. One of those days where life just feels harder for the living. When just shuffling to get a glass of water feels impossible. And that sucks, let’s be honest.

I’m typing this whilst lying against a heating pad in a weird sideways propped up position in my “nest” on the couch. I’m surrounded by my meds and all the current things I’m trying to distract myself with- knitting, books, tv, cat, small sketchbook, etc. None of them are working so I find myself here, writing to you, dear reader.

I know I’m not alone, and that helps a little. I hope you know you’re not alone either. I’m with you, I promise. And even if you know you’re not alone but still feel like you are, I’m with you too. I understand that feeling all too well. That feeling like life is just living itself without you. I get it. I really, really do.

I don’t have any words of wisdom today – I just want to virtually extend my arms to all my fellow sufferers. Those with chronic pain and illness, those with heart aches, those with mental or spiritual struggles. I’m here, sweet fellow human. Let’s meet across time and space in that place where our pains are but a memory.

More to come…

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